If you were hurt in a traffic accident after being hit on the driver’s side or passenger side of your vehicle in an intersection, you may be able to hold the at-fault person responsible. You could recover compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, expenses, and more. A St. Petersburg side impact collision lawyer from Distasio Law Firm may be able to represent you by filing an auto insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

You can discuss your accident case with a motor vehicle crash attorney from Distasio Law Firm today for free. Determining who’s at fault in a t-bone accident can be difficult. But our legal team has the experience to figure it out. If we decide to take on your case, we will help you hold the at-fault driver responsible for your losses. Call to get started.

Understanding the Dangers of Side Impact Collisions

Side impact accidents, sometimes also called “T-bone” or “broadside” collisions, are one of the most dangerous types of traffic accidents. They generally occur in an intersection when a driver:

  • Does not stop at a stop sign
  • Does not go at the correct time at a stop sign
  • Runs a red light
  • Fails to yield the right-of-way when necessary, such as at a blinking light or during a left-hand turn

Side impacts often lead to serious injuries and fatalities because of the way vehicles are made. While all cars in the U.S. must meet federal side-impact safety standards as outlined in 49 CFR 571.214 – Standard No. 214, there is simply not much room in a vehicle door to add crush zones or materials to lessen the force of impact.

Victims of a side impact collision may experience injuries that include:

  • Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries from hitting the window, steering wheel, or another hard surface
  • Neck or back injuries from the forces of the accident
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Shoulder and hip injuries on the affected side
  • Arm injuries from the force of impact

If you or a loved one sustained any of these, or other injuries, in a St. Petersburg T-bone accident, the attorneys at Distasio Law Firm will review your case for free today. If we agree to represent you, you can count on us to commit time, resources, and financial support to pursue the damages you deserve.

A capable St. Petersburg side impact crash lawyer from Distasio Law Firm may be able to handle your case based on contingency, and your family will never need to pay us anything out of pocket.

Distasio Law Firm


➤ Do You Have A Case?
➤ When To Call A Lawyer?
➤ Post-Accident Checklist?

We Are Committed to Putting Our Clients First

When you work with a car accident lawyer from Distasio Law Firm, you will see that our team is singularly focused on helping our clients navigate one of the worst times of their lives and coming out the other side in a better place.

We cannot undo the injuries and damages you suffered, but we may be able to hold those who caused them accountable. This may include putting a fair value on your expenses, losses, and pain and suffering and seeking damages to cover that value. You should not have to go into debt to cover the cost of your treatment or time away from work. The at-fault motorist who caused your accident should be responsible.

If we believe you are eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit following your Pinellas County broadside accident, a St. Petersburg T-Bone collision attorney from Distasio Law Firm can help you file an insurance claim or take your case to court. An attorney will always be available to answer your questions and guide you through the process. Call now to learn more.

Damages Available in a St. Petersburg Insurance Settlement or Lawsuit

If a side impact accident lawyer in St. Petersburg from Distasio Law Firm gathers evidence and builds a strong enough case to secure an insurance settlement or personal injury verdict on your behalf, you could recover compensation for damages that include:

  • Current and future medical treatment for your accident injuries
  • Current and future lost wages, benefits, and reduced earning ability
  • Repair or replacement of your vehicle
  • Other property damages
  • Related out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and suffering, mental anguish, and other non-economic losses

Under Florida Statute 768.21, survivors of those who passed away in a traffic accident may be able to file a wrongful death claim and hold the liable party accountable. Only a personal representative of the deceased can file this type of action, but our team can help you identify the right person and move forward in this type of case if you qualify.

Statute of Limitations on Filing a Lawsuit to Hold the At-Fault Driver Liable

Florida car accident law limits who can file a lawsuit after an accident. However, if you meet the criteria, and there is time remaining before the deadline, you may be able to take legal action to hold the at-fault party responsible. In general, the Florida statute of limitations in a personal injury accident is two years under Florida Statute 95.11.

However, your lawyer from Distasio Law Firm will need to take a number of other steps, possibly including filing a third-party liability insurance claim based on the at-fault driver’s insurance policy, before seeking damages in court. This requires you to enlist our help well in advance of this deadline.

Speak With a St. Petersburg Side Impact Collision Attorney Today

A St. Petersburg side impact collision lawyer from Distasio Law Firm may be able to take on your car accident case and seek compensation for the injuries, pain and suffering, and losses you incurred. You may be able to hold the at-fault driver liable and get the payout you need based on your damages.

Call Distasio Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation car accident case consultation and evaluation.


Our main office is here in Downtown Tampa, Florida in the Channelside neighborhood. Office in Wesley Chapel and Largo are available by appointment only.

Distasio Law Firm